Nutrition Tips

When it comes to Nutrition, we've been there, done that, now serving 194 tips in 17 categories ranging from Alternative Medicine and Nutrition to Vitamins, Minerals, & Supplements - Oh my!.

What kind of prenatal vitamin should I be taking? Is it really necessary?

Prenatal Vitamins

Most doctors will insist that a prenatal vitamin is indeed very necesary. Some people believe that eating a proper diet will provide all the needed vitamins and minerals, but a supplement is a good idea in most cases.

An expectant mother will still need to eat a wide variety of protein, dairy products, vegetables, and so on, but a boost with a vitamin generally makes a mom-to-be feel that she is supplying the best nutrition possible for the growing baby.

Studies suggest there are a few nutrients that food alone will not provide in a pregnancy. One of these nutrients is folic acid. Your doctor will know how much of it should be in the prenatal vitamin.

The other thing that food alone does not supply enough of during pregnancy is iron. Developing anemia isn't good for the mother or baby, so be sure to get enough iron in your prenatal vitamin.

The doctor will be able to prescribe a prenatal vitamin for you. If you prefer buying your own supplement at a nutrition store or elsewhere, be sure to take the time to ask which essential nutrients it should have and how much of each. Do not take more than the recommended amount of any vitamin or nutrient when you are pregnant.

While a prenatal vitamin will supply many extra nutrients, it does not supply enough calcium, so be sure to drink milk, eat yogurt, and get the calcium in other ways in addition to the prenatal vitamin.

How many calories can I burn during a round of golf?

Get outta the cart!

A round of golf can keep you feeling up to par, lower your handicap, and burn 150-250 calories per hour. If you are bad enough at it, you can also burn calories hiking in the woods, wading and swearing (not recommended).

How great is cross-country skiing?

Shoosh, shoosh, shoosh

Once considered the world's best aerobic exercise. Shushing at a 5mph clip across hill and dale could burn off as much as 700 calories per hour. Cross-country skiing is also a great way to stay warm when you're out in the cold.

How good is swimming as an exercise?

Get in the swim of things

A great way to exercise without putting undue strain on joints and burn about 300-700 calories per hour. Contrary to popular belief, skinny-dipping does not burn more calories, though it can be a lot more fun.

What are some ways I can burn calories without killing myself?

Burn, baby, burn!

You don't have to be a jock or go to the gym three times a day to stay fit. You just have to stay active. There are hundreds of everyday ways to burn calories, lower your weight and improve your overall fitness. So don't just sit there, do something.

Who you callin' alligator pear?

Potassium pear

One type of avocado bears the ominous appellation of “alligator pear”, but that's no reason to shy away from this nutritious fruit. (Yes, a fruit.) The avocado is high in potassium, a mineral important in maintaining a healthy heartbeat. One avocado contains as much potassium as four bananas.

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